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About Us

Our Objectives

Promote and develop responsible technological innovation with social, environmental, and humanitarian impact at an international level to safeguard the human rights of all people and the common goods of present and future generations.

Develop, promote, and conduct applied research on programs, tools, responses, and technological solutions, as well as foster innovation, its ethical and responsible governance, and provide support for its implementation, especially, but not limited to, the following areas: the rule of law, strengthening and restoring trust in institutions, the protection of human rights and privacy, conflict prevention and resolution, disarmament campaigns, peacebuilding, security, and addressing systemic factors of social conflicts, lack of peace, and armed violence. Additionally, it promotes sustainable development, coordinated humanitarian action, disaster relief, gender equality, environmental protection, combating climate change, and reducing the digital divide, among other emerging social and humanitarian priorities on an international scale.

Create, develop, and manage the digital platform “The Global South Synergies & Resilience Platform,” as well as generate and link strategic alliances to obtain human and financial resources for planning and operating projects that benefit communities in the Global South.

Create and strengthen international collaboration networks to promote dialogue on technological ethics regarding the first, second, and third points.

Develop and manage synergy and technological resilience programs for vulnerable groups internationally on the first, second, and third points. Convene, organize, and participate in national and international forums, think tanks, academic spaces, and civil society initiatives related to the first, second, and third points.

Facilitate and promote the creation of alliances, communication spaces, dissemination of information and knowledge, academic and labor exchanges to facilitate digital transformation. Conduct in-depth studies on the impact of emerging technologies, serving as a leading platform for thought and action, convergence of leadership, and empowerment for new leaders while reducing the digital and gender divide in the Global South internationally.

Educate, disseminate, and train on the responsible use of emerging technologies and on the first, second, and third points, including the creation of educational materials and methodologies for international delivery.

Develop technological tools for the creation of standards, evaluation, auditing, certification, research, and monitoring tools to ensure the transparent use of or to expose irresponsible use of emerging technologies in all areas at the international community level.

Provide legal protection and assistance in cases of human rights violations and critical infrastructure issues related to emerging technologies impacting peace, security, and sustainable international development, as well as any of the first, second, and third points.

Monitor, verify, and disseminate information on compliance with legal requirements in the development and use of dual-use technologies, autonomous weapons, and their convergence with other types of armament internationally.

Research and develop technological tools for incident monitoring and reporting of emerging technologies, forensic studies, and prevention strategies internationally.

Develop, adapt, and implement systems and methodologies for risk detection and early warning related to emerging technologies internationally.

Develop inclusion and equity programs for sustainable development, promote gender equality, and ensure equal access to knowledge and technological tools for the Global South and internationally.

Develop social impact programs through technological solutions and digital transformation for the Global South and internationally.

Research, develop, and evaluate the risks and social, environmental, and humanitarian impact of emerging technologies in the short, medium, and long term, as well as mitigation strategies internationally.

Provide training, design workshops, create educational materials, and disseminate them, along with techniques and methodologies for applying emerging technologies to address social, humanitarian, and environmental problems covered under the first, second, and third points.

Develop and implement campaigns and communication strategies to promote ethics, responsible use, and best practices for emerging technologies, related to the first, second, and third points.