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Academic Publications


La Protección Judicial de los Derechos Sociales, co-authored with Justice Loretta Ortiz Ahlf. Tirant Lo Blanch. ISBN 978-841-18-3119-2. Mexico City, Mexico. (09/23).

La Industria Éléctrica en Mexico y el Acceso a la Energía Eléctrica como Derecho Humano, co-authored with Justice Loretta Ortiz Ahlf. Porrúa. ISBN 978-607-09-4083-5. Mexico City, Mexico. (10/22).

Autonomous Weapons Systems: The Accountability Conundrum. Series of Technical Opinions on Topics of National Relevance, no. 41. Legal Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. ISBN 978-607-30-5219-1. Mexico City, Mexico. (05/21).

Sistemas de Armas Autónomas: El dilema de la rendición de cuentas. Serie de Opiniones Técnicas sobre Temas de Relevancia Nacional, no.42. Legal Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. ISBN 978-607-30-5220-7. Mexico City, Mexico. (05/21).

Book chapters

Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Use of Force, Artificial Intelligence: Crime War and Justice. Ethics Press. ISBN 978-1-80441-302-9. Cambridge, United Kingdom. (11/23).

El Acceso a la Justicia en Materia Penal Fiscal: La Experiencia del Estado Mexicano, El Acceso a la Justicia en América Latina: Una aproximación multidimensional. Univerisdad para la Paz. ISBN 978-9930-542-51-4. San José, Costa Rica. (07/23).

The Ultimate and Perhaps the Last Paradigm Shift – Artificial Intelligence. All International Criminal Law: Transnational Organized Crime and International Crimes. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-84-9090-511-1. Madrid, Spain. (10/21).

El Máximo Cambio de Paradigma y Quizás el Último – Inteligencia Artificial. Todo Penal Internacional: Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional y Delitos Internacionales. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 978-84-9090-509-8. Madrid, Spain. (10/21).


The Responsible AI Guide. Data Camp. New York, USA. (02/25).

Why Should the UN “Govern AI for Humanity”: What is at Stake and what is the Urgency. Opinio Juris. Geneva, Switzerland. (11/24).

The Risks and Inefficacies of AI systems in Military Target Identification. International Committee of the Red Cross’ Humanitarian Law & Policy Blog. Geneva, Switzerland. (09/24).

Drone Swarms as Weapons of Mass Destruction. Symposium on “Responsible Military AI and the Law of Armed Conflict”, Opinio Juris. Geneva, Switzerland. (04/24).

La Inteligencia Artificial y la Responsabilidad Internacional de los Estados. Estudios en Derecho a la Información, no. 14, Legal Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. ISSN 2594-0082. Mexico City, Mexico. (05/22).

The Balance Between Immunity and Impunity in the Prosecution of International Crimes. The Baltasar Garzón International Foundation Publications, Working Paper Series 08/2016, ISSN 2387-1784. Madrid, Spain. (07/16).


Alemania y el Derecho Penal Internacional:Reflexiones a la Luz de Acontecimientos Recientes. Translation from the original document “Germany and International Criminal Law: Reflections in Light of Current Developments” by Dr. Claus Kreß. Eunomia, Ibero-American Network for Innovation and Scientific Knowledge. Madrid, Spain. (09/24).

La Guerra de Ucrania y la Prohibición del Uso de la Fuerza en el Derecho Internacional. Translation from the original document “The Ukraine War and the Prohibition of the Use of Force in International Law” by Dr. Claus Kreß. Serie de Opiniones Técnicas sobre Temas de Relevancia Nacional, no. 66. Legal Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. ISBN 978-607-30-7738-5. Mexico City, Mexico. (06/23).