Members of the High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence
United Nations Secretary-General’s video message for launch of the Final Report of the High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence
Ms. Jimena Viveros, LL.M.
Commissioner – Global Commission on Responsible Artificial Intelligence in the Military Domain
WIC calls on AI governance and sustainable development
Endorsers of The Rome Call
Peace, Security and Artificial Intelligence
Jimena Viveros Álvarez, una voz experta
Jimena Sofía Viveros Álvarez
La mexicana Jimena Viveros Álvarez formará parte del órgano asesor de la ONU sobre AI
Global AI Governance: The Risks of Artificial Intelligence to International Peace and Security
Órgano de la ONU sobre la IA busca ir más allá y crear un plan de implementación
Symposium on Military AI and the Law of Armed Conflict: Drone Swarms as Weapons of Mass Destruction
Órgano asesor de ONU sobre IA busca crear consejo científico
Case Matrix Network
La ONU crea un nuevo organismo para vigilar la seguridad de la IA