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Participation In International Forums

  • World Internet Conference Group Working on AI. Seminar on Al Safety and Governance Program of WIC Specialized Committee. Beijing, China (01/25).
  • Internet Governance Forum 19th Edition. High-level Panelist at “Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future” on six Sessions: “AI in warfare – Role of AI in Upholding International Law”, the OECD’s “Harnessing AI Innovation while Respecting Privacy Rights”, the IGF Open Forum “The Oppenheimer Moment, A Need for Regulating Autonomous Weapons Systems” the IGF’s Policy Network on AI “Interoperability in AI Governance; Sustainability of Gen-AI Value Chain; Liability as a Mechanism for AI Accountability”, the African Peer Review Mechanism (ARPM) “The Future of Governance in Africa” and the China IGF’s “Global Governance of Digital Ecology and Digital Security Seminar”. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (12/24)
  • Internet Governance Forum 19th Edition. High-level Panelist at “Building our Multistakeholder Digital Future” on 4 Sessions: “AI in warfare – Role of AI in upholding International law” the OECD’s “Harnessing AI innovation while respecting privacy rights”, the IGF Open Forum “The Oppenheimer Moment, A Need for Regulating Autonomous Weapons Systems” and the IGF’s Policy Network on AI “Interoperability in AI governance; sustainability of Gen-AI value chain; Liability as a mechanism for AI accountability”. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (12/24).
  • UNIDIR, “Regional Consultation on the Application of International Humanitarian Law to Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems”. Expert Latin American Representative. Brasilia, Brazil (12/24).
  • World Emerging Security Forum 2024 Edition. High-level Panelist on the emerging risks to international peace and security posed by AI and emerging technologies. Seoul, Korea (12/24).
  • 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. High-level panelist for the session on “Raising awareness about emerging challenges: Humanitarian protection risks in an increasingly digitalized world”. Geneva, Switzerland (10/24).
  • Centro-i “Let’s speak of the Future” Expert speaker for the podcast episode on autonomous weapons systems and their global governance. Mexico City, Mexico (11/24).
  • Women in AI Ethics: “Insights from the UN Summit of the Future – September 2024”. “Speaker for the webinar on perspectives from the outcomes from the Summit of the Future, and the need for Global Governance of autonomous weapons systems. New York, USA (09/24).
  • United Nations 79th General Assembly’s Summit of the Future. Member and Adviser of the Official Mexican Delegation, held in the auspices of the United Nations General Assembly. New York, USA (09/24).
  • Summit of the Future Action Days: “Laying the Foundations of a Digital Future for All”. Speaker as a Member of the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Body on AI. The session explored inclusive, safe, and sustainable innovation and technology, focusing on the Global Digital Compact’s principles and advancing AI for the benefit of humanity New York, USA (09/24).
  • Summit of the Future Action Days Side Event: “Workshop on AI and Decision Making in the Public Sector”High-level Panelist for the workshop on AI in decision making processes, focusing on the risks of AI in the broader security domain and the need to maintain meaningful human control and judgment. New York, USA (09/24).
  • TRENDS Annual Conference 4th Edition “Sustainable Security in 2024 and Beyond – The Role of AI”. High-level Panelist during the session titled “AI Development and Political Governance: Analyzing and Responding to Arising Problems”. Tokyo, Japan (09/24).
  • World Internet Conference Group Working on AI. Inaugural speech for the establishment of the World Internet Conference’s AI Governance Programme. Beijing, China (09/24).
  • Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM) Summit 2024. High-level Panelist as Commissioner in 3 Sessions: The Current AI Governance Landscape: Looking into the Future; The Evolution and Current State of AI Technologies within an International Legal Framework; Broader Security Concerns regarding Weaponized AI. Seoul, Corea. (09/24).
  • Federal School of Judicial Training. Moderator during the roundtable discussions on the “Crime of Aggression and its Challenges in International Criminal Law”, Mexico City, Mexico (08/24).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ forum with representatives of Civil Society and the Private Sector on Digital Governance, Including Artificial Intelligence. Opening Speech, sharing perspectives from the UN Secretary General’s High-Level Advisory Body on A, Mexico City, Mexico (08/24).
  • United Nations University: “Global AI Governance: The Risks of Artificial Intelligence to International Peace and Security”. Keynote Speaker on the Conference on the implications of AI on international peace and security. Tokyo, Japan. (07/24).
  • Tokyo University: “Peace, Security and Artificial Intelligence”. Expert participation and facilitator in the dialogues on the risks of AI to peace and security and governance avenues. Tokyo, Japan. (07/24).
  • AI Ethics: “The Commitment of Eastern Religions to the Rome Call”. High-level Panelist on the risks and challenges of artificial intelligence, Hiroshima, Japan (07/24).
  • Regional event of the Americas on the 75° Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, and in preparation of the 34° International Conference of the Red Cross. High-level Panelist on AI and military operations, and how this can impact warfare and the use of Autonomous Weapons Systems. Mexico City, Mexico. (07/24).
  • III Ministerial Conference on Feminist Foreign Policies: “Solutions for a better tomorrow”. High-level Panelist on “Innovating equality: bridging the gap with feminist foreign policy in science, technology and digital cooperation”, Mexico City, Mexico (07/24).
  • Federal School of Judicial Training. High-level Panelist on “Artificial Intelligence at the service of constitutional adjudication, Mexico City, Mexico (06/24).
  • L’IA dans le domaine militaire: enjeux et gouvernance. High-level Panelist at the workshop on AI in the military domain organized by the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, on governance frameworks for AI in the military domain. Geneva, Switzerland (06/24).
  • Regional Consultation with GC-REAIM, High-level Panelist in the session on applicable international law and ongoing multilateral discussions, Santiago, Chile (06/24).
  • Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue: “Forecasting exercise on artificial intelligence in the security domain.” Expert facilitator of the exercise and Trainer of national authorities on the implications of AI in the security domain. Santiago, Chile (06/24).
  • Summit of Heads of Supreme Courts and Constitutional Courts of G20 members (J20). Delegate of the Mexican Supreme Court to participate in the engagement group on Supreme Courts and Constitutional Courts, which centered on promoting citizenship and social inclusion by the Judiciary, Climate litigation and sustainable development, as well as digital transformation and technology for the efficiency of justice, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (05/24).
  • Tech Diplomacy Fireside Chat. Keynote Speaker in the event organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs, on the implications of artificial intelligence in the law-and-order cycle, Vienna, Austria (04/24).
  • Humanity at the Crossroads: Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Challenge of Regulation. High-level Panelist on “Emerging technologies, AWS and the (future) shape of conflict”, at the 2024 Vienna Conference on Autonomous Weapons Systems, organized by the Federal Ministry of Austria on European and International Affairs. Vienna, Austria (04/24).
  • United Nations Disarmament Commission, Working Group II. High-level Expert invited to brief and inform delegations of the Member States on the latest developments on artificial intelligence and their implications for international peace and security, New York, USA (04/24).
  • Data Camp “Data Framed, How the UN is Driving Global AI Governance”, Co-speaker with Ian Bremmer for the podcast episode on the risks and opportunities and risks of AI. (London, United Kingdom) (03/34)
  • Organization of American States extraordinary session on the applicability of International Humanitarian Law to new technologies of war. Expert participation at the panel discussion on autonomous weapons systems. Washington D.C., USA (03/24).
  • Organization of American States joint Meeting of the Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs and the Committee on Hemispheric Security. High-level Panelist on the challenges posed by emerging technologies and autonomous weapons Systems in terms of compliance with International Law, including International Humanitarian Law. Washington D.C. USA (11/23)
  • Colombia 4.0 AI Edition. Keynote Speaker of the conference titled “What happens when we delegate decision-making to autonomous systems? The responsibility gap”. Bogotá, Colombia (11/23)
  • Artificial Intelligence National Alliance. High-level Panelist at the Mexican Senate on the third session of the Working Group on Public Policies and Rights, discussing public policies, regulation and governance models of artificial intelligence. Mexico City, Mexico (11/23)
  • Göttingen University. Speaker at the Seminar on the Present and Future of Latin-American Constitutionalism, Göttingen, Cologne (08/23)
  • Institute for International Peace and Security Law. Speaker at the German-Mexican Dialogue on Human Rights and Criminal Law Jurisdictional Challenges, Cologne, Germany (08/23)
  • Iberoamerican Conference on Constitutional Justice. Mexican Delegate in representation of the Supreme Court for the XIV Session on Jurisdiction, Citizenship and Freedom. Punta Cana, Dominican Republic (05/22)
  • Permanent Seminary on Artificial Intelligence and Law. Keynote Speaker on the Accountability Conundrum for the use of Autonomous Weapons Systems. Mexico City, Mexico (12/21)
  • German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and University for Peace. Keynote Speaker at the Expert Roundtable on Access to Justice in Latin America. Bogotá, Colombia (08/19)
  • International Nuremberg Principles Academy, The Hague Institute of Innovation of Law and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Keynote Speaker at the Expert Workshop on Benchmarks of International Criminal Justice. Bogotá, Colombia (09/19)
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Speaker on Anticorruption practices at the Board Performance and integrity of state-owned enterprises 6th Annual Meeting. Lima, Perú (06/19)
  • International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition. Judge for the English and Spanish Hearings. The Hague, NL (05/16)
  • Hague Academy of International Law Model United Nations. Judge on Universal Jurisdiction and Immunities. The Hague, NL (07/15)
  • Academic Council on the United Nations System. Advocate at The UN at 70: Guaranteeing Security and Justice. The Hague, NL (06/15)
  • AMEDIP (Mexican Academy of Private and Comparative International Law). XXXV Annual Seminar of Private International Law. Mexico City, Mexico. (08/12)
  • UNESCO Human Rights Chair. Advocate for the protection of Human Rights in situations of armed conflict. Connecticut, U.S.A. (08/12)
  • UNESCO International Bioethics Committee. Observer at the 18th Ordinary Session, Baku, Azerbaijan. (06/11)